Examen du saccage AEW de Sanders 3.10.23

Examen du saccage AEW de Sanders 3.10.23

Et avec les vacances de printemps qui approchent à grands pas, un très bon vendredi à tous ! Lee Sanders est de retour avec vous tous alors que nous traitons des retombées d’AEW REVOLUTION avec cette semaine AEW RAMPAGE. Au programme ce soir, The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) devraient faire une apparition. Pendant ce temps, Riho contre Nyla Rose. De plus, “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry parle pour la première fois depuis sa défaite de Christian Cage à REVOLUTION. De plus, Konosuke Takeshita contre Preston Vance. Enfin, Sammy Guevara affronte Action Andretti.

Je veux rendre hommage à Marina Tucker, alias Penelope Pink, qui a remporté le championnat féminin WOW Women of Wrestling lors des récents enregistrements LA Comic Con pour WOW. Si vous n’avez pas vu l’épisode, il est apparu dans syndication le weekend dernier. Je vous ai tous branchés à Tessa Blanchard, Thunder Rosa, Kiera Hogan et Kamille avant qu’ils ne commencent à exploser. Penelope Pink est définitivement celle que vous voulez regarder. En avant pour RAMPAGE !

Commentateurs : Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Taz et Jim Ross

Belle prise de tacle à la jambe par Andretti alors que Sammy revient avec une gifle à la poitrine! Andretti déchire la poitrine de Sammy alors que l’action se répand à l’extérieur. Sammy est haché et jeté dans les barricades alors que les deux hommes s’envoient à tour de rôle dans les barricades et les poteaux du ring. Sammy est renvoyé sur le ring mais ne veut pas faire partie de Sammy alors qu’il fait rapidement sa sortie. Andretti se connecte avec un tope sur les cordes pour s’écraser sur Sammy. Ceci est suivi en envoyant Sammy s’écraser sur les marches en acier. Action de retour à l’intérieur alors qu’Andretti se connecte avec un mouvement hors des cordes pour une chute proche. Sammy continue de se retirer d’Andretti. Andretti étend Sammy sur les cordes alors qu’il essaie de chercher une manœuvre à haut risque, mais se met un genou au visage alors que nous entrons dans notre première série de pauses publicitaires. Nous sommes de retour car il y a une collision en vol des deux hommes alors qu’ils sont à terre. L’arbitre compte les deux hommes alors qu’ils arrivent à une base verticale pour échanger des frappes. Andretti applique un combo backbreaker suspendu suivi d’un coup de pied à la mâchoire alors que Sammy est renvoyé à l’intérieur du ring. Joli tremplin 450 splash d’Andretti qui ne lui vaut qu’un compte de deux. Une autre tentative a été faite alors que nous voyons Andretti effectuer une version modifiée d’une mouche espagnole pour un autre automne proche. La tentative de senton en cours d’exécution d’Andretti par Sammy se met à genoux à temps! Andretti sent le danger et sort sagement du ring. Andretti se connecte avec une éclaboussure plongeante de la corde supérieure et s’écrase sur Sammy qui est installé sur une table. Andretti au sommet mais est poussé par Daniel Garcia alors que Sammy capitalise avec le GTH pour la victoire.

Gagnants: Samy Guevara (10:00)
Notation: ***
Solide ouvreur et mec, c’est tellement rafraîchissant de ne pas avoir de spectacle ouvert avec Orange Cassidy. Rien de personnel contre Cassidy mais ça devenait un peu trop répétitif. Sammy est lentement et discrètement revenu à l’essentiel en évitant les ennuis et en ne faisant pas la une des journaux pour de mauvaises raisons. Il a laissé parler ses talents sur le ring qui ne doivent jamais être négligés car le jeune homme est incroyable à regarder. Ce match semblait avoir pu aller dans les deux sens. Andretti continue d’écraser toutes les opportunités qui lui sont offertes. Je ne pense malheureusement pas qu’il puisse vraiment briller dans AEW, car il est surchargé en ce moment. Peut-être que lui dans ROH aiderait, plus précisément ce match d’échelle que Mark Briscoe mentionnera dans un instant…

Darby Allin est vu alors qu’il parle de ce qui l’attend alors qu’il cherche à se battre. Il parle de sortir dans un éclat de gloire si nécessaire, ce qui ressemble beaucoup à ce dont Sting parlait récemment, son contrat se terminant dans un proche avenir.

Jungle Boy révèle la suite alors qu’il regarde tous les hommes qui ont un championnat autour de leur taille. Tout a été mis en garde les amis ! QT Marshall révèle qu’il montrera sur ce prochain DYNAMITE qui a vraiment fait irruption dans la voiture de Wardlow plus tôt cette semaine. Intéressant!

Un scoop slam à Cartwheel, une chute de jambe par Bowens depuis la corde supérieure et nous voyons Starboy marqué alors qu’il est rapidement ancré sur le tapis. Annnnd un mic-drop plus tard, celui-ci est terminé. Ouais…

Gagnants: Les Acclamés (1:20)
Notation: NR
Courge… Courge… SQUUUUUUUASH

Daddy Magic et Cool-Hand Luke sont au sommet de la rampe de scène alors qu’ils continuent à encourager Acclaimed alors que nous obtenons un récapitulatif du prochain match DYNAMITE avec JSA vs Elite vs House of Black.

Takeshita avec un coup de coude discus et un crossbody plongeant par-dessus les cordes alors que nous nous dirigeons vers une série de pauses publicitaires. Nous sommes de retour alors que les deux hommes se sont allongés avec un coup de coude discus. Les deux hommes parviennent à revenir à une base verticale où Takeshita lance une bombe bleue tonnerre pour seulement une chute proche. Takeshita avec un genou au visage alors qu’il se dirige vers la couverture mais alors que Jose l’assistant met le pied de Preston sur la corde du bas pour la pause. Takeshita a réalisé ce qui s’est passé et va à l’extérieur pour le frapper. Takeshita revient sur le ring maintenant où Preston le pose avec une frappe de disque en rotation mais Takeshita se retire à la toute dernière seconde! Vance essaie son nelson complet alors que Takeshita passe tout en cherchant une tentative d’épingle. Il est rapidement interrompu par Vance alors que les deux hommes reviennent à une base verticale. Vance charge sur Takeshita lorsque Takeshita le fait tourner pour configurer une épingle de backslide pour la victoire!

Gagnants: Takeshita (7:00)
Notation: **
Takeshita remporte une victoire alors que Don Callis était au bord du ring alors que la suite de cette histoire avec Takeshita se développe. Une sortie décente à la fois méchante et qui a servi son objectif car il s’agissait plus de l’angle de l’histoire que du match, mais c’était agréable de voir ces deux garçons percutants se décharger l’un sur l’autre. Trop de cordes à linge filantes à mon goût personnel mais à chacun ses goûts…

Swerve Strickland dit à Keith Lee et Dustin Rhodes qu’il n’avait pas anticipé leur couple. Il ne s’attendait pas à ce qu’ils éliminent ses affiliés de bosses comme ils l’ont fait. Swerve a encore quelques balles dans la chambre car il a quelques tours dans sa manche. Il promet à Keith de ne pas voir ce qui va suivre. Tout ce que Swerve voit aller de l’avant, c’est de la nourriture alors qu’il vient pour le tuer. Je me demande si ce qui s’en vient pour Keith Lee est la destruction de cette cape et de ce capuchon du Fantôme de l’Opéra…

Mark Briscoe est maintenant sur le ring alors qu’il révèle une conversation qu’il a eue avec Tony Khan à propos des titres ROH Tag. L’idée est proposée d’un match en échelle, un match en échelle «Reach for the Sky». Celui qui remportera cela deviendra apparemment de nouveaux champions ROH Tag car ce match se déroulera à ROH SUPERCARD. Oui les amis, Mark a quitté les titres des balises. Il présente les premiers entrants pour ce match car ce sont les Lucha Brothers. Pendant ce temps, nous obtenons un aperçu de HOOK vs Stokley Hathaway pour DYNAMITE.

Et nous commençons par un blocage alors que l’arbitre intervient pour les séparer. Riho charge Nyla avec des frappes et tout, mais est rapidement cloué au sol par le Riho de 98 livres. Nyla essaie de chercher un senton en fuite mais personne n’est à la maison. Riho essaie d’aller Hulk Hogan contre Andre The Giant dans le but de ramasser Nyla pour un scoop slam. Cela ne se produit pas alors que Nyla la ramasse et va chercher une couverture alors que Riho se fraye rapidement un chemin hors de la situation difficile. Riho entre dans les cordes pour livrer un dropkick alors que Nyla roule à l’extérieur pour retrouver son calme. Riho essaie de plonger dans les cordes mais se fait prendre. On dirait que Nyla prend Riho à la légère alors que Riho se dégage des épaules et envoie Nyla s’écraser sur les marches en acier. Riho essaie de grimper au tendeur supérieur et comme elle le fait, l’arbitre surveille Nyla Rose. Pendant que cela se produit, Riho livre un autre sac à bandoulière de plongée à Nyla car il y a un coup de pied. Nyla contrecarre une autre tentative de scoop et la transforme en un casse-tête à retardement. Marina Shafir est au bord du ring et lance un lancer de judo à Riho pendant que l’arbitre est distrait pour préparer notre dernière série de pauses publicitaires. Nous sommes de retour maintenant alors que Nyla grimpe au sommet et rate un senton. Riho enchaîne avec un lights Northern suplex pour un automne proche ! Des gens incroyables! Riho rate un coup de genou en cours d’exécution alors que son visage heurte par inadvertance le coussin de tendeur. Cela a poussé Nyla à essayer de chercher un boulet de canon roulant car personne n’est à la maison. Riho se connecte avec une bombe crucifix alors que Nyla se lance! Alors que Riho recule dans le coin, Marina attrape ses chevilles pendant que l’arbitre vérifie Nyla. Distraction parfaite alors que Nyla donne un coup de pied à la section médiane et essaie de chercher la bête bombe. Il est contré dans un cumul pour une victoire !

Gagnants: Riho (10:00)
Notation: ***
Honnêtement? L’une des meilleures sorties entre ces filles et j’ai vu et je les ai toutes regardées. En même temps, cependant, il devient vraiment nauséabond de voir Tony Khan continuer à spammer le concept David contre Goliath où ces très petites et petites personnes s’en remettent à ces personnes massivement grandes qui ont une quantité décente de personnalité et de charisme. Est-ce que je regarde All Elite Wrestling ou All Petite Wrestling ? À mon avis, Tony Khan et son équipe doivent se détendre pour toujours utiliser ce concept et déjà briser le monopole.

Après le match, Nyla et Marina doublent l’équipe sur Riho alors qu’elles partent avec dégoût tandis que Toni Storm, Saraya et Ruby Soho les dépassent en hochant la tête en signe d’approbation. Riho se fait peindre à la bombe mais les filles alors que la question est posée qui va arrêter le P…W…O ???

Fin du spectacle

Pour plus de discussions sur tout ce qui concerne la lutte et au-delà, assurez-vous de me suivre sur Twitter @THERCWRSHOW et regarde moi sur YouTube.com/thercwrshow Profitez du week-end vous tous!


The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review

The 411

Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!


The 411: Everything that was done so well with AEW REVOLUTION is now an afterthought with this weeks DYNAMITE and now RAMPAGE. One the one hand you can give Khan and crew props continuing to expand on arcs first introduced from last weeks RAMPAGE like Don Callis and Takeshita. In addition, they took time to expand on Saraya, Storm, and Ruby as well as Jungle Boy and Powerhouse Hobbs. The Acclaimed I’m really concerned for as it seems like Tony Khan and crew aren’t sure what to do with them. Why not loan them out to ROH for a bit to try and help boost their upcoming PPV and bring more eyeballs to the ROH paywall now implemented? This week by all accounts was a two match episode to watch but nothing Earth-shattering. A decent fast hour that went by which honestly needs more tweaking. Yet again another Jade Cargill-less appearance as I’d like to challenge Tony Khan to start building up RAMPAGE for a championship always being defended on the show as part of its two-match show structure as an added attraction. What do you think 411MANIACS? Sound off! Meanwhile I’m off to watch my box set of the tv show Millennium.

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

Final Score:
[ Torture ]



Legend ratings


  • 0 – 0,9


  • 1 – 1.9

    Extrêmement horrible

  • 2 – 2.9

    Très mauvais

  • 3 – 3.9


  • 4 – 4.9


  • 5 – 5.9

    Pas si bon

  • 6 – 6.9


  • 7 – 7.9


  • 8 – 8.9

    Très bien

  • 9 – 9.9


  • dix
    Pratiquement parfait


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