Témoignages d’étudiants fribourgeois en échange linguistique en Suisse alémanique

Témoignages d’étudiants fribourgeois en échange linguistique en Suisse alémanique

Elsa Riedo

Elsa Riedo

Emma Bapt

Emma Bapt

Tristan Krattinger

Tristan Krattinger

Published on June 11, 2023

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

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Tristan Krattinger
15 years old, Gibloux

“I went on a language exchange to Lucerne with the desire to learn German. It is an important language to master, especially in Switzerland! I also wanted to meet new people and discover a culture that I did not know. Contrary to what I was apprehensive about, I was very well received, whether within the family that hosted me or with the other students at the school where I studied. I was struck by the trust and freedom that the teachers give them! They organize more themed days. This is a real change from Fribourg. The fact that I still had to understand Swiss German was an element that was not easy to apprehend. Everyone speaks it in more informal moments but gradually, I managed to grasp a few words, and that was not a handicap to my integration.”

Emma Bapt
20 years old, La Sonnaz

“A transition between the end of secondary school and the start of my medical assistant apprenticeship was necessary for me. It was impossible to be hired directly with such a diploma anyway. At the same time, leaving my parents’ house and discovering new places appealed to me. I thought that spending a year on a language exchange would be perfect! I took advantage of the fact that there is a partnership for exchanges between several Alemannic cantons and the canton of Fribourg to be registered in a new school near Lucerne. Looking back, integration would have been easier if I didn’t come back every weekend, but I felt the need to keep ties with my Fribourg friends and family. I would go further if I had to do it again. Getting used to the language and culture of the country, without having the possibility to come back as often, seems like a better alternative!”

Elsa Riedo
17 years old, Gibloux

“The desire to go on a language exchange to German-speaking Switzerland materialized thanks to my open-mindedness and my willingness to adapt to a new environment. My cousin also encouraged me to do so, especially since it is an experience that is helping her in her professional life today. I left with the intention of learning German and I realize that even though I still make mistakes, I have gained fluidity and understanding. As a result, texts in other languages seem less complicated to understand at first glance. It is a real personal achievement to have been able to develop this skill on my own, far from my parents. On the other hand, I did not appreciate the way some French-speaking students may view people who go on language exchanges. They have the image of a year of vacation when it is not at all the case.”

Franck Descloux


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