Appel à imposer le port du masque dans les cliniques et hôpitaux

Appel à imposer le port du masque dans les cliniques et hôpitaux

Dear Mr. Minister, as you know, even though the issues under your jurisdiction are plentiful, I do not often write to you. Nevertheless, allow me to speak to you about the mask.

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Yes, I apologize. I know it’s another drop in the bucket. But what can you do? I still have hope.

As you know, the emergency rooms are overflowing more than ever. The respiratory virus season is virulent. So, don’t you think it’s time, as a preventive measure, to require the wearing of masks in clinics and hospitals?


And most importantly, to ensure that employees politely apply it for themselves and for patients? At least until the viral storm passes.

One small example among others: this week, I waited for a long time in a large Montreal university hospital to see a doctor. It is clearly indicated that wearing a mask is mandatory for everyone.

However, the staff does not ensure compliance with this rule. When I politely asked an employee to inform patients without masks in the same waiting room, she told me to file a complaint. Another ignored me.

Result: since people are tired – it’s understandable – both users and staff, some wear masks, others do not, or wear them under their nose or chin.

As an individual and group prevention measure – including in crowded elevators (!) – Mr. Dubé, I have to admit it’s quite poor.

Imperfect, but effective

Waiting at the hospital or a clinic to then wake up with COVID, a real flu, or RSV caught on site because one has been in contact with unmasked contagious people, surely this is avoidable.

Against respiratory viruses, the mask is certainly imperfect, but its effectiveness, if worn by most people in an enclosed space, is well established. I know you know this better than anyone.

So there you have it. My drop in the bucket ends here. In the hope that, against all odds, it still proves useful.

With all due respect,


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