Home » Économie » Une femme condamnée pour avoir maltraité deux chiennes à Bâle-Campagne

Une femme condamnée pour avoir maltraité deux chiennes à Bâle-Campagne

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Une femme condamnée pour avoir maltraité deux chiennes à Bâle-Campagne


Basel-Landschaft The female dog could not even lie down in her basket at night

The Basel-Landschaft judiciary convicted a sexagenarian who kept two dogs in dreadful conditions. She was sentenced to a fine, but will be allowed to continue keeping animals.

The two females (illustration photo) lived hell in the Basel region.

IMAGO/image broker

The ordeal is over for two dogs kept by a 68-year-old woman in the Basel region. Indeed, the two females, Mia and Amanda (names known to the editorial staff), suffered terribly in their owner’s care before the animal protection agency, alerted by third parties, made a surprise visit and reported this serious case of abuse to the Basel-Landschaft veterinary service.

According to a criminal order from the Basel judiciary published in early January, the two females, of unknown breed, were constantly tied with a very short leash at the entrance of the apartment. Mia’s measured one meter long and was fixed 80 centimeters from the ground. So the poor dog couldn’t leave her basket and especially couldn’t even lie down. This was day and night.

They did their business on the doormat

In addition, Mia and Amanda did not see much other than their owner’s apartment. According to the findings of the veterinary office, they never went outside and had to do their business on the doormat in front of the front door.

These living conditions had serious consequences for the two females. The first suffers from stress and her ability to adapt is deeply impaired. The second was so neglected in the care of her claws that she can no longer walk.

As for their owner, she was sentenced to a suspended fine of 1500 francs as well as a fine of 300 francs, for multiple violations of the animal protection law. She will also have to pay 795 francs in procedural costs. But since this was the first time she had to justify herself to the law, it did not impose a ban on keeping animals on her.


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