Home » Sports » Gilbert Bodart : la cour d’appel annule sa condamnation à deux ans de prison

Gilbert Bodart : la cour d’appel annule sa condamnation à deux ans de prison

by Nouvelles
Gilbert Bodart : la cour d’appel annule sa condamnation à deux ans de prison

Gilbert Bodart (61 ans), currently residing in Huy, was arrested last week after voluntarily jumping into the Meuse in an act he described as a suicide attempt. After being briefly hospitalized, he was arrested and incarcerated. Initially sentenced to 160 hours of community service in the first instance for attempted extortion, the public prosecutor appealed the decision against him. Gilbert Bodart was judged in absentia on appeal and sentenced to two years in prison. This sentence, pronounced in 2023 for events dating back to 2020, was enforced.

This Monday, the appeals court examined the admissibility. The former goalkeeper explained that he had not been informed of the appeal procedure. At the time, he was in Spain for treatment and was automatically deregistered in Belgium. Gilbert Bodart describes himself as disabled, a victim of a football accident at the age of 23 that deprived him of his pituitary gland.

The appeals court found his opposition admissible and valid. This means that the default judgment is nullified and the detention is lifted before Gilbert Bodart’s next appearance before the appeals court on April 15 for further examination of the case. The defendant is represented by Mr. Winkin and Mr. Hanot.

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