Nouvelles Du Monde

Covid-19 en France : rebond épidémique et recommandations du Covars en avril 2023

Covid-19 en France : rebond épidémique et recommandations du Covars en avril 2023

Le rebond est un phénomène souvent redouté par les personnes souhaitant perdre du poids. Après avoir perdu quelques kilos, il est fréquent de constater une reprise rapide de poids, voire même un retour à la case départ. Pour éviter cette situation, il existe plusieurs mesures à prendre. Dans cet article, nous vous présentons cinq astuces pour éviter le rebond et maintenir votre poids à long terme. Que vous soyez en période de perte de poids ou que vous cherchiez à stabiliser votre silhouette, ces conseils vous aideront à atteindre vos objectifs en toute sérénité.

According to French health authorities, COVID-19 is still circulating in France in April 2023, although the epidemic remains relatively low compared to past surges. The Committee of Watchfulness and Anticipation of Health Risks (COVARS) has issued five recommendations for the public to minimize the impact of new outbreaks. These recommendations include continued mask-wearing, testing for those at high risk, vaccination for those aged 80 and over and immunocompromised individuals, and maintaining proper ventilation indoors. The COVARS notes that despite the regularity of surges, they are not linked to the emergence of new variants, and are instead due to drops in population immunity. The dominant variant in France in April 2023 remains XBB, a recombinant sub-lineage of Omicron. Vaccination and immune system protocols, such as isolation for those testing positive or contact notification, have been modified to fit the current state of the epidemic. Hospital and travel policies have also been relaxed from previous years but certain mask requirements remain in place. The French Health Authority recommends a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for the elderly or immunocompromised, as well as those in close contact with them, within six months of the last dose. The travel ban and border control has been lifted since August 1, 2022.


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