Geneva Cleared from the nightclub, he bites the bouncer on the calf
A 38-year-old man was escorted out by security guards. He rebelled to the point of biting one of them. He receives suspended fine days.
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It is usually the dogs who attack the calves…
Getty Images/iStockphoto
The file contains two photos: one of a car and the other of a calf. The story behind these images takes place on January 14, Route des Jeunes. As indicated in the penal order, that evening, in the nightclub, a 38-year-old client misbehaves. According to the account of the security agents, this thirty-something man is “violent” and tries to enter the VIP area when he is not authorized. The agents decide to put him outside.
Only here is the thirty-something not having it. He tries to return to the club by jumping over a barrier. Several bouncers intervene. He is accused of trying so jumped against the car of one of the agents and dented the bodywork of the vehicle.
Not enough to prevent the thirty-something from making a new attempt to return to the nightclub. This time, it is another bouncer who stops him. Obviously having a strong grudge against the security personnel, “the accused had struck him in the face and, after he had fallen to the ground, had bitten him on the left leg, below the knee ,” the order indicates. Why such a gesture? “To defend himself because he felt in danger,” explained the defendant to the police.
“Uncontrolled angry behavior “
On the other hand, the Public Prosecutor’s Office considers that “his motivations stem from uncontrolled angry behavior at the expense of others”. He is sentenced to 90 days-fine (50 francs per day) with suspension as well as a fine of 150 fr. and 270 fr. in court costs. The accused did not oppose. The complainants can, however, assert their civil claims.
#Genève #Dégagé #boîte #nuit #mord #videur #mollet