Deux jeunes hommes de 19 ans arrêtés pour arnaques en ligne: 1700 victimes et 19 000 euros de préjudice

Deux jeunes hommes de 19 ans arrêtés pour arnaques en ligne: 1700 victimes et 19 000 euros de préjudice

Nouvelle prise judiciaire contre le fléau des arnaques en ligne usurpant l’identité d’une organisation. Deux jeunes hommes de 19 ans viennent d’être arrêtés à la mi-décembre par les enquêteurs de la brigade de lutte contre la cybercriminalité, dévoile Le Parisien. Ils doivent être jugés en avril prochain lors d’une comparution sur reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité.

Leurs arnaques en ligne ciblaient l’Agence nationale de traitement automatisé des infractions (Antai). Elles étaient basées sur le hameçonnage, la principale menace informatique visant des particuliers selon le groupement d’intérêt public Cybermalveillance.

Jean-Baptiste and Rayan, from Paris and Roubaix, are suspected of having launched fraudulent SMS campaigns targeting this public structure responsible for fine collection for about nine months, between October 2022 and July 2023.

1700 stolen credit card numbers

With some success as according to the police, cited by the newspaper, they would have managed to get hold of more than 1700 credit card numbers. These were resold to third parties or used to make online purchases, amounting to approximately 19,000 euros.

In a classic manner, fraudulent SMS messages sent victims to a fake website imitating that of the Antai. Users were then asked to enter their banking details to settle a fine. As the Antai recalls, the organization never sends SMS messages. As for emails, they must come from a specific address. Lastly, the Antai recommends always checking the address of the visited website.

It is not known precisely how the two young men were identified by the police. However, this is not the first suspect arrested in connection with an online scam impersonating the Antai.

Malicious campaigns becoming a scourge

Le Parisien had previously reported on the arrest of a young man from Seine-et-Marne, indicted at the end of April 2023 in a similar case. He was arrested by chance, after leaving a suitcase containing cannabis, three mobile phones, and fake papers in front of a regional chamber of accounts in Île-de-France.

“Sasori”, his username on Snapchat, then went to the police station to report the loss of his suitcase. Intrigued by his profile, the investigators then found 274,600 euros in cash, two high-end cars, as well as bank cards and fake identity cards during a search at his home.

Significant gains in light of the growth of these campaigns, which have become a real scourge, polluting email inboxes and phone messaging systems. Last March, TraquerPhish, a service for detecting and analyzing phishing campaigns, for example, counted an average of more than 16 malicious campaigns per day targeting the Antai, with 646 unique domain names and 245 IP addresses.

#Deux #suspects #arrêtés #dans #une #affaire #darnaque #ligne #basée #sur #hameçonnage
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