Dominic Paquet poursuit son ancien gérant et ComediHa! pour des redevances manquantes

Dominic Paquet poursuit son ancien gérant et ComediHa! pour des redevances manquantes

Dominic Paquet is not laughing. The comedian has just sued his former manager, Sébastien Roy, for more than $50,000 regarding royalties for the recording of his first show, learned Le Journal. ComediHa! is also targeted by the lawsuit.

According to the lawsuit, the dispute is about the recording of the comedian’s show, titled Dominique Paquet, which took place in January 2010. The recording was produced by ComediHa! Inc.

After no longer being represented by Sébastien Roy in 2014, Dominic Paquet continued to work with Groupe Entourage. It was during a discussion with Entourage’s executives in 2018 that the comedian and his company realized there was an issue with the royalties from his first show.

At that time, Dominic Paquet believed that his former manager and his company, Fou du Roy, had reached an agreement with Entourage to receive any royalties. On the other hand, Entourage thought that the comedian was receiving the royalties directly himself.

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When he discovered during the pandemic that his first show was being broadcast on Prise 2, and that new royalties would be paid without his knowledge, Dominic Paquet decided to take action.

“Bad faith”

In his lawsuit, the comedian is claiming from Sébastien Roy and Fou du Roy the amount of $25,125.72 “except for perfecting, for the amounts that Dominic has not received from Sébastien Roy and Fou du Roy, and ComediHa! for the show”.

Dominic Paquet also requests from Sébastien Roy and Fou du Roy an additional amount of $25,000 “representing the fees of Me Yves Pépin caused by their multiple faults and especially by their bad faith”.

The comedian requests “from Sébastien Roy and Fou du Roy the assignment of all rights for the Show”. He also asks the court to order ComediHa! to stop paying any royalties due for the Show to Sébastien Roy and Fou du Roy.

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Contacted by Le Journal, Dominic Paquet’s team at Entourage indicated that the comedian will not make any comments “since the case is in litigation”. ComediHa! has not responded to our messages.

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