At Softonic, we analyze all files hosted on our platform to assess and prevent any potential harm to your device. Our team performs checks when downloading each new file and periodically reviews files to confirm or update their status. This comprehensive process allows us to define a status for every downloadable file as follows:
- I understand
This software is likely to be safe.
What does this mean?
We have analyzed the file and associated URLs with more than 50 of the world’s major antivirus programs and have detected no potential threats.
- Warning
This software is likely to be malicious or contain unwanted software.
Why is this software still available in our catalog?
According to our analysis system, we have determined that these indicators are likely to be false positives.
What is a false positive?
This means that a safe program is mistakenly reported as malicious due to a signature or an overly broad detection algorithm used in an antivirus program.
- Blocked
This software is likely to be malicious or contain unwanted software.
Why is this software no longer available in our catalog?
According to our analysis system, we have determined that these indicators are likely to be truly positive.
#Notes #mathématiques #classe #pour #Android
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