“As a nod to Barnett Newman’s masterful work (Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue?) and as a pretext for a predominantly chromatic journey, we let ourselves be guided, in the choice of works, by the three colors floating on the flexible surface of the Belgian flag – black, yellow, red. An exhibition celebrating the fifty years of Sotheby’s in Belgium by bringing together major names of modern and contemporary art.”, explains the exhibition curator François de Coninck.
The iconic work “Belgian Man’s Femur” (1965) by Belgian artist Marcel Broodthaers will be one of the highlights of the exhibition and will go under the hammer. There will also be a self-portrait in oil by Brussels artist Stéphane Mandelbaum, the painting “Always Late” (1969) by Antwerp artist Wout Vercammen, the work “To Our Dear Belgian Art” by Ghent conceptual artist Jean Schwind and the installation “White Anger, Red Danger, Yellow Peril, Black Death” (1984) by American artist Bruce Nauman. In addition, a selection of contemporary Belgian artists will be exhibited.
The exhibition will take place at Sotheby’s Brussels premises on Avenue Louise in Ixelles. The house will also celebrate the 10 years of Sotheby’s Reality in Brussels and 100 years of surrealism.
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#Exposition #vente #aux #enchères #spéciale #pour #les #ans #Sothebys #Belgique
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