Introduction aux articles récents du Taiwan-American Historical Materials Center (octobre)

2024-10-02 22:47:12

Bonjour chers amis :


Carnegie Hero Fund Commission 頒發認證給鄭達志醫師及張宣信牧師,感念他們於兩年前爾灣台灣長老教會挺身而出,拯救100多位教友。




Courriel de contact : [email protected]

Cordialement, collègues du Taiwan-US Historical Materials Center



Chers amis,

We will adjust our newsletter from monthly to quarterly. In this newsletter, we provide a brief illustration of some articles recently posted on our website:

At May 15th, 2022, Dr. John Cheng and Rev. Billy Chang, risked their own lives to save over 100 church members. Recently, both of them have been recognized and awarded by the Carnegie Hero Fund, which is a very prestigious honor in the United States. 

If you would like to share stories to all Taiwanese Americans, please send your articles and stories to us. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at this email address

L’email de contact : [email protected]


Équipe des archives TA

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Commission du Carnegie Hero Fund – John Cheng et Billy Chang

Dr John Cheng et Billy Chang


#Introduction #aux #articles #récents #TaiwanAmerican #Historical #Materials #Center #octobre


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