Le grand retour des barbecues : chacun sa méthode

Le grand retour des barbecues : chacun sa méthode

One in two French people owns one. Barbecues are making a big comeback with the arrival of sunny days. According to a study, 44% of barbecues sold in 2022 were electric. Patrick Bacher, on the other hand, is rather traditional with vine wood chips.

Grilled meat, the smell of charcoal… This probably reminds you of warm evenings with friends during the summer. With the arrival of good weather, barbecues are back. Electric or wood-fired, everyone has their own way of doing it.

It’s a big day for Patrick Bacher. The retiree is bringing out his barbecue. For the occasion, he invited a friend. “It’s sunny and there’s little wind, so not too much risk,” emphasizes Patrick, a fan of wood-fired barbecue, “by tradition” and for its “convivial side.”

“In the Bordeaux region, we have vineyards and what is very difficult today is to find untreated wood chips. Here, it’s virgin vine wood,” he explains. According to his friend, meat cooked over wood would have a better taste. “The plancha is the compromise when it’s not nice, in winter, but it also makes a good cooking,” he says.

According to our colleagues at RTL, 44% of barbecues sold in 2022 were electric, surpassing the sale of charcoal barbecues.

A symbol of the American way of life, the barbecue that conquered Europe after World War II is now a must-have in the summer.

But since then, the models have evolved greatly. “We do a lot of planchas, gas barbecues, charcoal. We also do a lot of fire pits, but what is really taking over right now is the kamado,” explains Eric Le Gal, manager of La Planète Barbecue, in Mérignac. However, you still have to pay 3,000 euros for this luxury barbecue. But no matter the model, grilling is always popular.

If more than half of the French own a barbecue, you have to be careful. Patrick and his friend are aware of the dangers of barbecues. “You have to be careful of the neighbors, there are trees around… we prepared the hose just in case.” The two buddies do not underestimate the risks in case of fire.

Gironde is a department plagued by forest fires. During the summer of 2022, major fires destroyed nearly 28,700 hectares, particularly in La Test-de-Buch, Landiras, Landiras Saint-Magne, Saumos and Arès.

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