Nouvelles Du Monde

Le trouble dissociatif de l’identité : une condition complexe et méconnue

Le trouble dissociatif de l’identité : une condition complexe et méconnue

1,5 % of individuals are affected by dissociative identity disorder in a given year, according to the results of a study reported by the MSD Manual. One case that has received significant media attention is that of Jennifer Haynes. This woman suffered severe violence at the hands of her father. To survive, she created 2,500 different personalities according to the BBC. During her trial in 2019, the Australian justice system allowed her to testify on behalf of six of her personalities.

Different personalities in individuals with this disorder

In dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disorder, two or more identities take turns controlling the same person, as stated on the MSD Manual website. Furthermore, the person does not remember information that is normally easy to retain, such as everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic or stressful events.

What are the causes? Most often, it is due to stress or intense trauma during childhood. “In the United States, Canada, and Europe, nearly 90% of individuals with this disorder have experienced severe abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional) or neglect during childhood,” explains the MSD Manual. Early loss – such as the death of a parent when the child is young – serious illness, or traumatic events can also explain the development of this disorder.

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Memory problems

Concretely, the affected person has multiple identities. It is necessary to distinguish between forms with possession – meaning that the person acts differently depending on the personality that possesses them – and cases without possession, which are milder. In the latter, patients experience sudden changes in thought, mood, attitude, or opinion. However, it is more difficult to distinguish genuine personalities.

As for amnesia, another symptom of dissociative identity disorder, the forgetfulness pertains to past and current personal events or occasional feelings of absence. For example, patients may not remember personal belongings or things they have written themselves.

Finally, dissociative identity disorder can also lead to hallucinations, severe pain, and headaches. However, this disorder can be treated through psychotherapy, often long and challenging for the affected individuals.

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