Les avantages et les risques du café pour la santé selon un médecin

Les avantages et les risques du café pour la santé selon un médecin

Many of us need our morning coffee. According to a recent Yougov survey, about 68% of French people drink coffee regularly. Moreover, 55% of coffee drinkers have several cups a day at home. Although this hot drink can be beneficial, especially in the morning, it is important to ask whether it is good for health. In a TikTok video, Dr. Louis Bendayan (@DrTik_Tok) explains the benefits and risks of coffee for health.

The benefits of coffee on health

Dr. Bendayan explains that coffee can have positive effects on health thanks to its content of antioxidant molecules. “Coffee improves vigilance and also contains antioxidant molecules that, according to some studies, reduce the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, certain heart diseases, and even some cancers“, notes the doctor.

In fact, a recent study published in The European Journal of Epidemiology showed that moderate and reasonable consumption of coffee could be associated with reduced mortality and increased life expectancy of up to two years.

Excessive consumption can have serious health consequences

However, excessive coffee consumption can lead to many complications. According to Dr. Bendayan, coffee can cause anxiety, stress, or insomnia at certain doses.

Although it is not dangerous for health according to the specialist, it should be consumed in small doses. Its effects on health can vary depending on profiles, and in some cases, digestive problems, diarrhea, and palpitations may occur. As Dr. Bendayan pointed out, we are all unique beings and react differently to certain substances such as coffee or alcohol.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has stated that individual doses of caffeine up to 200mg pose no safety problem for a healthy adult population.

#café #estil #sain #santé #médecin #répond #sans #détour


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