Les oméga-3 : bénéfiques pour la santé pulmonaire

Les oméga-3 : bénéfiques pour la santé pulmonaire

Ils sont bons pour the brain, the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and the retina… Omega-3s! Mais, according to une nouvelle étude published in the Journal américain de médecine respiratoire et de soins intensifs, les omega-3s seraient also excellent for lung health.

Les omega-3s, essential fatty acids found in food

“The omega-3 fatty acids constitute une family of essential fatty acids, according to l’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (Considéré). Elle regroupe des acides gras indispensables, nécessaires au développement et au bon fonctionnement du corps humain, mais que notre corps ne sait pas fabriquer.” Therefore, they must be found in food.

The richest foods are terrestrial plants (nuts, rapeseed or flaxseed oil, etc.) and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, sardines, and anchovies…

“The role of diet in cancer and cardiovascular diseases is already well known, but we know little about its role in chronic lung diseases,” explains Patricia A. Cassano, the principal author, in a communiqué. “This study adds evidence to the existing ones that omega-3 fatty acids, as part of a healthy diet, can also be important for lung health.”

For healthy lungs, consume omega-3s

During their work, the researchers conducted a two-step observational study. In the first step, they conducted an observational study on data from 15,063 Americans collected as part of another study aiming to measure personalized risk determinants for chronic lung disease. The result of this first step: higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are associated with a reduced rate of decline in lung function. And according to the researchers, the most effective omega-3 fatty acid is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

The second step involved studying data from over 500,000 European participants. Conclusion: here too, higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids – including DHA – were associated with better lung function.

“We are starting to make breakthroughs in nutritional research and we are truly moving towards precision nutrition for the treatment of lung diseases,” explains Bonnie K. Patchen, a nutritionist and author of the study. “In the future, this could translate into personalized dietary recommendations for people at high risk of chronic lung disease.”

The only drawback of the study: all the patients included were in good health. Research should soon be conducted for individuals who are already sick or at risk of developing a lung condition.
#Les #acides #gras #oméga3 #préservent #santé #pulmonaire


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