Les pharmaciens peuvent désormais prescrire et administrer des vaccins en officine

Les pharmaciens peuvent désormais prescrire et administrer des vaccins en officine

“Et not essential to facilitate access to vaccination and improve prevention rejoiced the Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau. Pharmacists now have the right to prescribe and administer vaccines in pharmacies, according to the website Démarches administratives.

Publication this morning in the Official Journal of the decrees expanding the vaccination skills of pharmacists, nurses and midwives. An essential step to facilitate access to vaccination and improve prevention. Thank you to @FrcsBraun for promoting this development. pic.twitter.com/ZajS1Afgy8

— Aurélien Rousseau (@aur_rousseau) August 10, 2023

Since the publication of the ministerial decree in the Official Journal on August 9, these healthcare professionals are authorized to prescribe and administer the mandatory vaccines orrecommended for individuals aged 11 or older.

Mandatory training

Decree n°2023-736 of August 8, 2023 “on the vaccination skills of nurses, community pharmacists, nurses and pharmacists working in internal pharmacies, healthcare professionals working in medical biology laboratories and students in the third cycle of pharmaceutical studies” however, requires them to undergo mandatory prior training.

With a total duration of 10 hours and 30 minutes for those trained in administering vaccines against Covid-19 and influenza, and for those who have received teaching on vaccination during their course of study, it is 17 hours and 30 minutes for others.

“This development (…) positions us as a major player in our country’s vaccine policy” praised on X (formerly Twitter), the Union of Community Pharmacists (USPO).

ud83dudce3ud83dudc89 Prescription and vaccination in pharmacies, it’s official!

u26a0ufe0f VALPROATE – parental exposure and risk of neurodevelopmental disorders pic.twitter.com/cINczZ6esE

— USPO – Pharmaciens d’Officine (@USPO_Pharmacies) August 9, 2023

Flu, Covid-19, chickenpox…

The list of vaccines that can now be prescribed and administered by pharmacists is quite extensive. These include vaccines against:

  • the flu,
  • Covid-19,
  • chickenpox,
  • human papillomavirus infections,
  • measles,
  • whooping cough,
  • pneumococcus,
  • hepatitis B,
  • yellow fever,
  • meningococcus C,
  • mumps,
  • tetanus,
  • diphtheria,
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b infection,
  • rubella,
  • polio.

If you have a prescription from your doctor, or if the vaccine does not require one, it will cost you 7.50 euros.

If the pharmacist prescribes and administers the vaccine themselves, the invoice will amount to 9.60 euros.

Note that health insurance and supplementary health insurance may partially or fully cover these costs.

in an article which can rank high in google
#Pas #essentiel #pour #prévention #Les #pharmaciens #peuvent #désormais #prescrire #administrer #des #vaccins #découvrez #lesquels
2023-09-07 12:11:00


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