Menu à petit prix à partir des meilleurs rabais en épicerie de la semaine avec une thématique zéro gaspi.

Menu à petit prix à partir des meilleurs rabais en épicerie de la semaine avec une thématique zéro gaspi.

In order to help our readers face the repercussions of rising food prices, our new collaborator Myriam Gendron, creator of the site Tout simplement bouffe, offers a weekly budget-friendly menu based on the best grocery deals of the week. Grocery deals from April 20th to 26th, 2023. Earth Day is coming up soon. For the occasion, I wanted to prepare a little zero waste-themed segment (in addition to helping the planet, it’s good for your wallet!). Celery makes its first appearance in the featured menu items. Rather discreet, it is more versatile than we think and brings a nice dose of freshness and texture to a recipe. It’s not just a raw snack or the base for a good spaghetti sauce, on the contrary! It can be eaten raw, slightly sautéed (so that it stays crunchy), or cooked in a classic sauce or soup recipe. But what’s particularly interesting is that it’s possible to not waste anything from this bunch of celery that we buy at the grocery store (yes, yes!). Provided that it has been properly stored, of course. And it’s not complicated: celery likes to be stored in a cool, well-ventilated container and to help it even more, we can place it on a dry towel or paper towel to absorb excess moisture. By the way, a wilted celery can “come back to life” for quick consumption after a very cold or icy water bath (ideally one hour in the fridge). Even though it’s not magic, it will regain its crispness and be much more satisfying to eat. Moreover, this trick also works for lettuce, carrots, and peppers. Speaking of celery, we are used to eating its stalks, but its leaves, which are edible, are a concentrate of flavor! We can add them to a salad or even a soup (only at the end of cooking for the latter, as we would with spinach). The well-washed stalk can serve as a base for a broth, but we can do even better to not waste it… we can replant it! To do this, we must have cut the branches to about 5 cm from the base (which we keep intact). Two options are then available to us. The simple and quick solution is to place the celery stalk, cut side up, in a bowl with a little bit of water that we refresh regularly to prevent it from rotting (we can keep it in the fridge, but it likes sunlight). It will keep for a few weeks and we can use its leaves and branches. For a celery stalk that will live for several months, we opt to pot it in moist soil (which will provide more nutrients to celery than water… and we can even transfer or plant it directly in the garden once the weather is nice!). This regrowth experiment also works very well with green onions. To complete the loop of this little informative capsule, you will also find a bonus recipe to make with apple peels that will be used for dessert… to make sure nothing is wasted! As for deals worth mentioning this week, there are whole chickens for $1.97/lb at Super C (keeping the carcass and bones also makes great broths) and pork tenderloin for $3/lb at Maxi, both at their lowest price in the last few months. Boneless pork chops for $2.77/lb at Super C, inside round roast for $3.99/lb at Provigo, and a 454g block of tofu for $1.99 at IGA are also great cost-effective protein options. Happy cooking! FEATURED THIS WEEK MONDAY BUTTER CHICKEN-STYLE GRILLED CHICKENRecipe from Coup de pouce GOOD TO KNOW! If you don’t have a barbecue or don’t want to go out, you can also cook the chicken at 350 °F on a sheet in the oven for 40 to 50 minutes. Plan to cook a second one as needed, as you will need about one pound of chicken for the salad meal (without necessarily marinating it). TUESDAY TERIYAKI PORK AND VEGETABLE STIR-FRYRecipe from Coup de pouce WEDNESDAY TUNA CASSEROLE AND GARDEN SALADRecipe from Zeste, Trois fois par jour & vous GOOD TO KNOW! For the garden salad, I suggest simply using the raw vegetables that you have on hand. As for the croutons, a store-bought version would also work. THURSDAY CRUNCHY CHICKEN AND NAPA CABBAGE SALADRecipe from Coup de pouce GOOD TO KNOW! I suggest using the extra cooked chicken from earlier in the week. You could also use lettuce or greens of your choice as a replacement for the cabbage. FRIDAY BROCCOLI FRITTATARecipe from Coup de pouce BREAKFAST TUNA SALAD SANDWICHESRecipe from Coup de pouce SNACK APPLE, MAPLE, AND ROSEMARY CLAFOUTISRecipe from Coup de pouce PRIME APPLE PEEL CHIPSRecipe from Coup de pouce GOOD TO KNOW! Save your peels to make these chips!
#Menus #petits #prix #des #rabais #sur #poulet #entier #pour #rien #gaspiller


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