Nicolas De Staël : Un parcours d’expérimentateur inlassable

Nicolas De Staël : Un parcours d’expérimentateur inlassable

« All my life I have needed to think about painting, to see paintings, to make paintings to help me live, to free myself […] from all the worries for which I have never found any other solution than painting, » wrote Nicolas de Staël in 1953. The Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris retraces the journey of this tireless experimenter, this painting fanatic, in an exhibition that will come to the Musée de l’Hermitage in Lausanne next February.

«A tall boy with blue eyes, large and faded, the air of an adolescent who is growing up and refusing to grow up and who is crazy about painting…» This is how Pierre Lecuire, a normal student and a 23-year-old poet, describes Nicolas de Staël in his journal dated April 24, 1945. In these post-war years, the “crazy about painting” man lived in Paris, rue Nollet, with his companion Jeannine Guillou, his stepson Antek Teslar, known as Antoine Tudal, and their 3-year-old daughter Anne. Since 1942, he has been creating abstract, rather dark paintings, “endlessly tortured, repainted, massacred, jostled,” according to the words of his companion. It is these paintings that open the retrospective of the Musée d’art moderne. Twenty years after the one at the Centre Pompidou.

#Nicolas #Staël #peinture #rien #dautre


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