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Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story dévoilé par Forge anti-émeute et La téquila fonctionne

Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story dévoilé par Forge anti-émeute et La téquila fonctionne

Forge anti-émeute and La téquila fonctionne unveil Song Of Nunu: Une histoire de League of Legends through a video that reveals details. This narrative adventure game highlights the iconic duo from League of Legends, Nunu and Willump.

To watch the trailer for Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story, see below:

Developed by La téquila fonctionne and published by Forge anti-émeute, Song Of Nunu: Une histoire de League of Legends will take players on a memorable narrative adventure alongside Nunu and Willump, two inseparable friends in search of deep discoveries. Players will have the opportunity to explore the unbreakable bond between these two characters and encounter legendary Champions throughout their journey. All the mysteries of Freljord, a beautiful yet treacherous region of League of Legends, will be revealed.

Rowan Parker, Creative Director at Riot Forge, expresses his enthusiasm: “The relationship between Nunu and Willump is the driving force behind this game. We can’t wait for players to accompany this endearing duo on their epic journey. It’s a real pleasure to collaborate with Tequila Works to narrate the adventure of these iconic characters through the icy lands of Freljord.”

Players will travel through the rugged lands of Freljord, a frozen territory plagued by ice storms and inhabited by fierce wolves. To progress in this icy landscape, rich in magic and containing numerous secrets, they will need to be creative.

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Raúl Rubio Munarriz, CEO, co-founder, and CCO of Tequila Works, expresses his gratitude towards Riot Forge : “We are deeply grateful to Riot Forge for allowing us to explore the champions that touch us and entrusting us with the development of their story. We can’t wait for players to join Nunu and Willump on their adventure through the dangers of Freljord, discovering the magic of this world, snowball after snowball.”

New information about the game, including the release date and collector’s edition, will be revealed in autumn 2023.

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