Home » Sports » Stevens Point martial arts teacher faces new charges of child sexual assault

Stevens Point martial arts teacher faces new charges of child sexual assault

by Nouvelles

On Monday, Manasreh-Decker pleaded not guilty to new charges of six counts of sexual assault by a person who works or volunteers with children, five counts of second-degree sexual assault causing injury, one count of child enticement, one count of second-degree sexual assault with use of force and one count of causing mental harm to a child.

According to the criminal complaint, in February, a Stevens Point detective interviewed a woman who said she was a 15-year-old foreign exchange student attending Stevens Point Area Senior High when she lived with Manasreh-Decker and his wife.

The woman said everything was fine when she first moved into the home, but then Manasreh-Decker began asking her inappropriate questions about boyfriends and her sex life, according to the complaint. Manasreh-Decker began touching the then 15-year-old girl on the hands and legs and he would tickle her, according to the complaint. The woman said at first she was OK with it, but then she began to get uncomfortable.

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The woman said one night after she turned 16, Manasreh-Decker’s wife was gone and a child in the home was sleeping. Manasreh-Decker began drinking alcohol and tried to get the teenager to drink too, but she said no. Finally, she began to drink the alcohol when Manasreh-Decker kept insisting.

The two were sitting on a couch watching a movie when Manasreh-Decker put his arm around the girl and touched her inappropriately, according to the complaint. The girl became upset and went downstairs to her bedroom. Manasreh-Decker texted her a message that said she should return upstairs. He said, if she did not, he would come downstairs.

The woman said she felt trapped in the basement and went back upstairs. He apologized to her and said it was because he was drunk and having marital problems, according to the complaint.

The woman told about a short time later when Manasreh-Decker came up to her and gave her a “real kiss.” He then made an inappropriate comment to her, according to the complaint. She also told about an incident when Manasreh-Decker exposed himself to her when his wife was out of the room.

The woman said she had a migraine headache at school one day and Manasreh-Decker drove her home. She took a nap and woke up feeling better. She went into a bathroom and Manasreh-Decker followed her inside, according to the complaint. They were the only two at home.

Manasreh-Decker insisted on the girl taking a shower with him, according to the complaint. He instructed her to scrub him with soap and touch his body. After the shower, Manasreh-Decker ordered the girl to go downstairs and he forced her to have sexual intercourse with him in her bedroom, according to the complaint.

The woman described several incidents when Manasreh-Decker caught her alone and forced her to have sexual intercourse with him, according to the complaint.

The woman said when she returned to her home country, she spent several days in bed sobbing because of what Manasreh-Decker had done to her. She said she received psychological treatment for the trauma and was prescribed medication, according to the complaint.

The woman said she had complied with Manasreh-Decker because she knew he was a martial arts instructor and she was afraid he would kill her, according to the complaint.

The woman said Manasreh-Decker kept in contact with her through social media after she returned home. He insisted she send him naked pictures of herself and he sent her pictures of his genitals, according to the complaint.

Contact Karen Madden at 715-345-2245 or [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @KMadden715, Instagram @kmadden715 or Facebook at www.facebook.com/karen.madden.33.

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Professeur d’arts martiaux de Stevens Point accusé d’agression sexuelle sur mineure

Un professeur d’arts martiaux de Stevens Point, Manasreh-Decker, a plaidé non coupable lundi à de nouvelles accusations d’agression sexuelle sur une mineure. Les accusations incluent six chefs d’accusation d’agression sexuelle commise par une personne travaillant ou faisant du bénévolat auprès d’enfants, cinq chefs d’accusation d’agression sexuelle au second degré causant des blessures, un chef d’accusation d’appâtage d’enfant, un chef d’accusation d’agression sexuelle au second degré avec usage de la force et un chef d’accusation de dommages psychologiques infligés à un enfant.

Selon la plainte pénale, une ancienne élève de 15 ans, étudiante étrangère au Stevens Point Area Senior high, a rapporté des agressions répétées. Les abus allégués ont commencé par des questions inappropriées sur sa vie amoureuse et sa sexualité, puis ont évolué vers des attouchements non désirés. après ses 16 ans, les agressions sont devenues plus graves, incluant des attouchements, des baisers forcés, une exposition sexuelle et des rapports sexuels forcés à plusieurs reprises. La victime a déclaré avoir subi un traumatisme psychologique crucial et avoir reçu un traitement médical. Elle a également expliqué avoir craint pour sa vie en raison du statut d’instructeur d’arts martiaux de Manasreh-Decker. Les contacts ont continué après le départ de la victime, par le biais des médias sociaux avec envoi et demande de photos explicites.

Tableau récapitulatif des accusations :

| Type d’accusation | Nombre de chefs d’accusation |


| Agression sexuelle (personne travaillant avec enfants) | 6 |

| Agression sexuelle au second degré (blessures) | 5 |

| Appâtage d’enfant | 1 |

| Agression sexuelle au second degré (force) | 1 |

| Dommages psychologiques à un enfant | 1 |


Q: Quel est l’âge de la victime présumée ?

R: 15 ans au moment des faits.

Q: Quel était le lien entre l’accusé et la victime ?

R: La victime était une élève étrangère vivant chez l’accusé et son épouse.

Q: Quelles sont les conséquences pour la victime ?

R: La victime a subi un traumatisme psychologique, a reçu un traitement médical et a été prescrite des médicaments.

Q: Quel est le statut professionnel de l’accusé ?

R: Instructeur d’arts martiaux.

Q: Quel a été le plaidoyer de manasreh-Decker ?

R: Non coupable.

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