TikTok bannit l’apologie des “legging legs” : une tendance jugée dangereuse

TikTok bannit l’apologie des “legging legs” : une tendance jugée dangereuse


Shame on the bodyTikTok bans the “legging legs” trend

The platform has banned this trend deemed dangerous. Videos on the subject are now replaced by a warning message.

New stigma phenomenon,

New stigma phenomenon, “legging legs” consists of idealizing thin legs with a gap between the thighs of leggings wearers.

Getty Images / iStockphoto

We told you about it on Friday, February 2nd. Thin legs with thighs revealing a gap, that’s what “leggings legs” look like. according to some TikTok users. The platform is now putting an end to this stigmatization trend by banning the hashtag #legginglegs.

Instead of coming across thin legs videos, we now come across a warning image related to eating disorders under which it says “You are not alone”. And, further, “If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, help is always available”. A link button also takes users to information on eating disorders.

“Legging legs”, what is it?

This trend refers to the idealization of thin legs of girls in leggings, namely those who present a gap between the thighs. However, this particularity does not depend on weight, but on morphology. It is therefore not within reach of all girls, but often encourages them to follow dangerous diets.’

Thigh gap: not for everyone

According to specialists, not everyone can have a gap between their thighs, this being determined by the width of the pelvis and the anatomy of the body.

For many, thinking of losing weight to create a space between the thighs is therefore not at all realistic.

Some videos on the subject had already gathered nearly ten million views. Some were even uploaded to the application by young women envious of the “legging legs” of other women.

Rebellion against trend

However, this trend quickly sparked a rebellion. Therapist Holly Essler even commented on one of the videos as follows: “This is disgusting. Don’t let social media tell your body that it’s fashionable”. And further: “As soon as you have a body and wear leggings, you have “legging legs”. Wear leggings, be proud, have confidence in yourself. You have legging legs.

Katherine Kofoed, a nutritionist, also lamented the phenomenon in the comments. “So many girls I knew in high school suffered from eating disorders because they were trying to achieve a thigh gap,” she said.

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