WhatsApp : de nouvelles options de formatage ajoutées aux fonctionnalités classiques

WhatsApp : de nouvelles options de formatage ajoutées aux fonctionnalités classiques

WhatsApp already offered some fairly standard formatting options. But new ones are coming to complement the existing ones…

You may already know these tricks if you use WhatsApp, otherwise here they are: by surrounding a message with two *, you get bold, by surrounding it with two _, italic, with two -, you strike through the message, and with two sequences of three backticks, you get “monospace”. But now it doesn’t stop there. In fact, four brand new formatting options are now being added to the ones we already know.

Les listes à puces

On WhatsApp, no bullet point lists, like the ones you can find on Word. Well, until today. Because now, a simple dash or number followed by a period at the beginning of a line, with a space before the text, will allow you to create a bullet or numbered list, just like you already did in Word.

Des options de citations

Furthermore, two options that have more to do with entire blocks of text are now available: the quote, by starting a list with > followed by a space, and the code block, well known to programmers, by surrounding the text sequence with two backticks.

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Not everyone has access to these new options yet, but you should only have to wait a few hours or days before you can use them…

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